Solo Leveling Volume 7 Overview: Action-Packed Chaos and Rising Tensions

We left off in Volume 6 with South Korean and Japanese S-rank hunters joining forces to raid the dangerous Jeju Island dungeon. For years, nobody could clear this dungeon due to the overwhelming strength of the magic beasts there. The hunters give everything they’ve got, but trust issues linger. The Japanese hunters have joined the raid with their own hidden agenda.

In Solo Leveling Volume 7, we follow the hunters as they battle their way through the swarm of monster ants. When the Korean team finally confronts the ant queen, who appears to be the strongest monster in the dungeon, she shocks everyone. With her dying breath, she summons something far more terrifying—a magic beast, unlike anything the hunters have encountered. This creature talks, absorbs the abilities of its prey, and possesses such overwhelming strength that no hunter on the island can lay a scratch on it.

Just as all hope seems lost, Sung Jinwoo, everyone’s favorite hunter, steps in. Although Jinwoo didn’t officially join the raid, opting instead to spend time with his family, he prepared for the worst. He placed his shadows among the team, ready to step in if things turned desperate. And that’s exactly what happens. Jinwoo swiftly defeats the monsters and gains a new army of undead in the process.

Solo Leveling Volume 7

Jinwoo’s incredible display of power doesn’t go unnoticed. The world watches, and other countries start making their moves. The United States is the first to offer Jinwoo whatever he wants, but they have no idea what they’re getting into. Jinwoo, though, remains focused and refuses to be swayed by empty promises. Yet, he’s not out of danger. A national-level hunter, ranked above S-rank, sets his sights on him, and mysterious new enemies begin to emerge.

Non-Stop Action and Tense Fights

Whenever I open a Solo Leveling volume, I expect high-octane action, and Volume 7 delivers. The pace never slows, especially with the intense raid on Jeju Island, leaving almost no time for dialogue between the characters. The author and illustrator, as always, don’t hold back when it comes to violence and gore. If you’re squeamish or can’t handle blood, you might find some scenes tough to get through. But if you love action-packed, no-holds-barred battles, you’ll enjoy the clashes between Jinwoo and the magic beasts.

That said, don’t get too attached to any character, because there’s always a risk they’ll meet a tragic end. In this volume, hunter Cha shows more signs of having feelings for Jinwoo, leaving me curious about whether their relationship will develop in future volumes.

Solo Leveling Volume 7

A Shift in Perspective

While Jinwoo remains the primary focus of the story, Volume 7 stands out for a reason. Since the Jeju Island raid is televised, even regular citizens can follow the battle in real time. The narrative shifts between the hunters fighting on the island and the citizens watching anxiously on TV. The news covers part of the story, allowing us to see the reactions of the public as they cheer for the hunters and for Jinwoo.

This addition felt refreshing, especially considering the emotional weight of the Jeju Island dungeon. For years, it claimed the lives of many hunters, and the citizens had lost loved ones to the monsters inside. Now, they finally get to witness some closure as the magic beasts meet their end.

Solo Leveling Volume 7

International Intrigue and Language Barriers

With multiple nations involved in this volume, we learn more about hunters from other countries and how they perceive the Korean hunters—particularly Jinwoo. Usually, I find it frustrating when characters effortlessly communicate across language barriers without explanation. How do they understand each other without translation tools or special abilities? Thankfully, the author avoids this issue by including interpreters when Jinwoo interacts with non-Korean speakers. The text even distinguishes between languages, making these interactions more believable. I appreciated this attention to detail.


As always, Solo Leveling Volume 7 keeps readers on the edge of their seats with its non-stop action and intense battles. While Jinwoo continues to shine as the star, the inclusion of different perspectives, both from the hunters and the general public, adds depth to the story. The introduction of new international players and enemies promises even more excitement in future volumes. With Volume 8 and the anime adaptation set to release in January 2024, Solo Leveling fans have plenty to look forward to.

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