Ogami-san Can’t Keep It In Volume 2 Review: What’s New in This Volume?

Toward the end of 2023, Kodansha released Ogami-san Can’t Keep It In Volume 1, which introduced us to the delightful lives of high school students Ogami and Yaginuma. Now, with Volume 2 in hand, I’m eager to see if this series continues to charm its readers.

Summer Adventures Await

As we dive back into the story, our favorite characters prepare for the summer holidays. Ogami and Yaginuma receive an invitation to the beach from some classmates. Although Ogami initially declines, she changes her mind when she learns that Yaginuma will attend. After all, a day at the beach means swimsuits and a chance to catch a glimpse of Yaginuma’s bare chest!

Balancing Studies and Work

Before heading to the beach, they must tackle their upcoming tests and shop for swimsuits. With summer approaching, both characters look for ways to earn spending money. They’re thrilled when invited to work part-time at a restaurant owned by the relatives of Hikaru Matsukuma, a muscular character we met toward the end of Volume 1, often misjudged due to his intimidating appearance.

Closer Connections

Ogami relishes the time spent with Yaginuma. While studying at his home, she meets his sister, Chieko, who is fiercely protective of him. She shares insights into Yaginuma’s life, revealing the struggles he faced since developing his powers at the age of five. Chieko explains that Ogami is the first friend Yaginuma has ever brought home, deepening Ogami’s understanding of his challenges and struggles with his fear of causing people to reveal their inner thoughts.

REVIEW | "Ogami-san Can't Keep It In" - Vol. 1 | B3crew.com

Exploring Romantic Feelings

As Ogami and Yaginuma spend more time together, Ogami realizes her feelings for him are growing stronger, especially during their part-time job. However, she grapples with whether her attraction stems from physical desire or genuine love. Unbeknownst to her, Yaginuma faces similar dilemmas and seeks advice from Hikaru. “Is it normal to want to touch someone you like?” he questions, unsure of what his feelings mean. He worries that if they were to date, Ogami might feel hurt by his inability to touch her freely due to his powers. After all, if he longs to touch someone he loves, wouldn’t they desire that closeness too?

Shifting Focus

While Volume 1 of Ogami-san Can’t Keep It In centered on misfits finding their place in the world, Volume 2 emphasizes the romantic tension brewing between Ogami and Yaginuma. I believe this shift in focus is a smart decision by author Yu Yoshidamaru. The first volume felt uncertain about its direction, and although I appreciated the exploration of other characters, I welcome this narrowed focus on the central romance.

This refocused approach also alleviates concerns about the humor feeling forced. While this wasn’t a major issue in the first volume, it seemed to be a potential problem moving forward. Fortunately, the author skillfully navigates this, ensuring the comedy fits seamlessly into the narrative.

Ogami-san Can't Keep It In - The Fall 2023 Manga Guide - Anime News Network

Publication Details

Ogami-san Can’t Keep It In Volume 2 reaches the West thanks to Kodansha, translated by Max Greenway with lettering by Dietrich Premier. Although this volume lacks color pages, it includes a couple of pages of translation notes at the end, similar to Volume 1.

Looking ahead, Volume 3 is set to release later this month, with Volume 4 following at the end of April, barring any delays. Kodansha’s commitment to a bi-monthly release schedule is encouraging!


Overall, Ogami-san Can’t Keep It In Volume 2 delivers another enjoyable installment in the series. While it has shifted slightly in direction since the introduction, this change enhances the story and addresses previous issues. If the series maintains this quality moving forward, it will undoubtedly be one of my top recommendations this year!

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