Oshi no Ko is an intriguing anime that explores the life of a doctor who is reborn as the child of his favorite idol. With the first season’s success, fans are left wondering: When will Oshi no Ko Season 2 be released?
What Is Oshi no Ko About?
Imagine being reborn as the child of a famous idol—this concept lingers in the mind of Goro, a dedicated doctor and ardent fan of the idol Ai Hoshino. Just before a patient’s death, she poses this thought-provoking question to him. Working in a remote hospital in Japan, Goro never anticipates that he will soon face a life-altering event.
Suddenly, Ai announces her pregnancy with twins, determined to keep her new motherhood a secret while continuing her career as an idol. As months pass and the time for her delivery approaches, Goro encounters a stalker who targets Ai. Tragically, he is attacked, brutally beaten, and ultimately dies. However, instead of moving on to the afterlife, he is reborn as one of Ai’s twins, leading to a fascinating exploration of identity and fame in the entertainment industry.
Oshi no Ko Season 2: What We Know
Oshi no Ko debuted in April 2023 and quickly captivated millions of viewers worldwide. Its immense popularity led to an announcement for Season 2, confirming that fans can look forward to more episodes.
While there’s excitement about the new season, the creators have not yet revealed an official release date. Given the show’s success, fans hope the wait will not be excessively long. Unlike other series such as Hunter x Hunter, the anime has ample source material to draw from, with over 129 chapters in the manga.
Manga Source Material: Keep the Story Going
If you’re eager to continue the story beyond Season 1, you can dive into the manga, starting from Chapter 41 or Volume 5. The manga provides a rich narrative filled with character development and plot twists that are sure to satisfy your curiosity while you await the next season.
Conclusion: What Lies Ahead for Oshi no Ko Fans?
With the confirmation of Oshi no Ko Season 2, anticipation builds among fans. While the exact release date remains unknown, the substantial manga material ensures there’s plenty of content to explore in the meantime.
Stay tuned for updates on Season 2, and consider reading the manga to immerse yourself in the story while you wait. The world of Oshi no Ko is full of surprises and engaging developments that fans won’t want to miss!