The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Volume 2: A Comprehensive Review

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic has made its anime debut, making it the perfect time to catch up on the source material! In this review, we delve into Volume 2 from One Peace Books.

A Continuation of Action and Adventure

At the end of Volume 1, our protagonist, Usato, found himself amidst chaos as the Demon Lord’s army launched an attack. Volume 2 picks up right from this intense moment, with Usato frantically healing allies on the battlefield while fellow heroes Suzune and Kazuki engage the enemy’s leader.

The heroes soon confront the formidable Black Knight, a dark-armored foe impervious to standard attacks. To make matters worse, any damage inflicted by their strikes is reflected back on the attacker. With Usato far from the front lines, will they survive their first battle?

Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Volume 2

A Timely Rescue

Just when things look dire, Usato receives a vision of his friends’ demise. This prompts him to rush to their aid just in time. Surprisingly, while conventional attacks fail against the Black Knight, Usato’s healing magic proves effective. Once again, he resorts to using his abilities in a way that challenges the conventional understanding of healing magic.

Shifting the Pace

Following the intense opening, Volume 2 transitions to a more relaxed pace. We meet Amako, a fox Beastkin with the magical ability to foresee the future. She arrives in the kingdom seeking a healer for her unconscious mother, who cannot be treated through ordinary means.

Amako uses her foresight to learn about Usato, hoping to gain his trust and persuade him to assist her in return. However, her journey to help her mother will be long, especially with the looming threat of the Demon Lord’s army.

The Rescue Team Captain, Rose, is understandably reluctant to allow Usato to embark on this risky mission. Recognizing the need for assistance from neighboring countries to defeat the Demon Lord, the King drafts letters requesting aid. He chooses Usato, Suzune, and Kazuki to deliver these letters in person, including a visit to Amako’s homeland—an opportunity for Usato to repay her kindness.

Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Volume 2

Improved Pacing and Character Development

This installment is better paced than Volume 1, though it does have a lull in the middle. However, this slower segment effectively sets the stage for future developments. Similar to its predecessor, it concludes shortly after the heroes reach a new country, creating a tantalizing hook for Volume 3.

The characters feel more lively in this volume, possibly influenced by the anime adaptation. Their interactions are more engaging, and they display greater depth. Usato remains oblivious to his strengths, while Suzune embraces her enthusiasm for fantasy tropes. Despite their quirks, they are enjoyable characters to follow. The worldbuilding enhances the narrative, introducing us to the cultural differences of neighboring lands.

While it may not completely distinguish itself from other light novels in the genre, fans of the anime or readers who enjoyed Volume 1 will find plenty to appreciate in this continuation. The improvement in pacing and character dynamics raises hopes for the series as it progresses toward its conclusion in Volume 2.

Translation Quality and Improvements

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Volume 2 arrives in English courtesy of One Peace Books. This volume marks a change in translators, from Kristi Fernandez to Hengtee Lim. The new translation significantly enhances readability compared to the first volume.

Dialogue is clearer, and transitions between scenes are better indicated, addressing previous criticisms. This improvement may stem from both the translator’s skill and potentially better editing—though no editor is credited. It’s also possible that the author’s writing has evolved, providing stronger material for translation. Regardless, One Peace Books deserves recognition for their efforts to enhance the reading experience.

Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Volume 2

What’s Next?

Volume 3 of the series is already available in English, with Volume 4 set to release in early May. One Peace Books is also publishing the manga adaptation, which has reached five volumes for those who prefer graphic storytelling. The anime adaptation is currently streaming on Crunchyroll as part of the Winter 2024 season.


Overall, The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Volume 2 represents a marked improvement over its predecessor. The story flows more smoothly and capitalizes on the series’ strengths, blending action, comedy, and world-building. Readers will find something to enjoy, regardless of their preferences within the genre.

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